Want to see what round dance looks like in action? Visit www.youtube.com/DanceDemos
For fun, try watching one with the sound off. Synchronized Ballroom Dance!
Cued Ballroom Dance on Facebook:
International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Association : The largest Cued/Choreographed Ballroom Dance organization in the world.
RoundDanceSacramento : The Sacramento Cued Ballroom Dance community’s main Facebook page.
Roundalab.org : International Round Dance Teachers Assn. Source for standardized cue sheets. Join as a non-teaching member and get access to their teaching materials.
ICBDA: The International Choreographed Ballroom Dance Association. The largest Cued Ballroom Dance group in the world. Their annual conference is the highlight of the Round Dance season!
Round-a-lab Cue Sheet Collection: Round-a-lab is the teacher’s organization. This is a great place to find cue sheets
Mixed-up.com : Another source for cue sheets.
Figures: (Harold and Meredith Sears). They also have some very interesting articles about the various rhythms.